World Refugee Day 2017
On #WorldRefugeeDay, we remember refugees are part of the global community. We need to work for their freedom, rights, and dignity. Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) offers online education to form them leaders with social responsibility.

On #WorldRefugeeDay, we remember refugees are part of the global community. We need to work for their freedom, rights, and dignity. Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) offers online education to form them leaders with social responsibility. Education makes one think for oneself - Very often critical thinking or thinking out of the box ushers in creativity and entrepreneurship. JWL offers the best to the least with the hope that those who are now in the periphery (namely the refugees) of the society would one day the central leaders in their communities transforming a world of equity and equality. JWL brings education to the refugees and the marginalized, instead of they going to the universities. In this global mission, JWL is supported by universities and educational institutions from around the world.