A work of the Central European Jesuit Province (ECE), Jesuit Worldwide Learning draws on 470 years of the Jesuit education tradition (an integral formation of the head, heart and hands) in service of poor and otherwise marginalised communities.
Jesuit Education – first of all – was offered to those who couldn’t afford school tuition. Reaching out to the poor and marginalised stands in the tradition of the first Jesuits. In the Jesuit educational tradition, one of the primary goals is to provide students with the best possible accompaniment on their learning journey. The transfer of what has been learned into one‘s own context is equally crucial.
The 4 Jesuit Universal Apostolic Preferences provide a point of reference for the whole Society of Jesus, inspiring and guiding us in our current and future activities.
We journey with marginalised youth in the creation of a hope-filled future, facilitating access to and accompanying them on their higher education journey, through a blended mobile learning approach that uses innovative technology.
Throughout this educational journey, we promote a global conscience about the value of creation, of care for our common home – and in so doing also contribute to the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

JWL has developed a blended learning concept that enables mobile learning in both online and offline settings. We rely on a transformative pedagogical approach, Ignatian pedagogy, to promote action-oriented learning along the way. From JWL‘s point of view, action-oriented learning is the best approach to initiate sustainable learning processes in the students.
Therefore, all courses offered are designed according to the principles of Ignatian pedagogy. This means that all courses have a consistent didactic approach which corresponds to a blended learning concept, finding the ideal mix of face-to-face and digital learning. In the continuous development of the e-learning sector, blended learning emerged as the most successful approach. Indeed, our long-term experience has shown that on-site meetings (i.e. the interactions within the learning group on site in the communities and context of students) have a significant impact on the success of e-learning initiatives.

The realities faced by our students often mean they have little or unstable internet connection and/or, have to cover long distances to get to their community learning centre. JWL HeLP (Humanitarian eLearning platform), developed in partnership with Seitwerk GmbH, meets student needs in challenging learning environments around the world.
The unique Learning Management System (LMS) that is JWL HeLP, provides interactive and engaging educational material and includes a component which works both on and offline, so students have the flexibility to study anytime, anywhere, with a wealth of resources at their fingertips.