Executive Committee

Fr Dr Bernhard Bürgler SJ

Founding Board
JWL President
Fr Dr Bernhard Bürgler SJ
Provincial of ECE
Munich, Germany
JWL Treasurer
Fr Anton Kurmann SJ
Director, Lassalle House
Bad Schönbrunn, Switzerland
JWL Secretary
Mr Michael Sutter
ECE Administrator Switzerland
Zürich, Switzerland
Financial Controller
Mr Pascal Rivollet
Geneva, Switzerland
JWL Vice-President
Fr Dr Christian Rutishauser SJ
Delegate for School and Higher Education, ECE
Zürich, Switzerland
Fr Dr Joseph Maria Christie SJ
Secretary for Higher Education, Chair of JWL GAB
Jesuit Curia Rome, Italy
Fr Johann Spermann SJ
Treasurer, ECE
Fr Philip Geister SJ
President, Newman Institute
Uppsala, Sweden
Global Advisory Board
Fr Dr Joseph Maria Christie SJ
Secretary for Higher Education, Chair of JWL GAB
Jesuit Curia Rome, Italy
Prof Dr Gabriele Gien
President, Catholic University of Eichstätt Ingolstadt
Eichstätt Ingolstadt
Dr Kelly Otter
Dean, School of Continuing Studies
Georgetown University
Washington, D.C., USA
Fr Klaus Väthröder SJ
Chairman, JWL Förderverein e.V.
Dr Fred Pestello
President, Saint Louis University
St. Louis, USA
Ms Tanja Birkholz
Board Member, SCHUFA Holding AG
Chair, Operations & Finance Subcommittee
Frankfurt, Germany
Fr Dr Daniel Hendrickson SJ
President, Creighton University
Omaha, Nebraska, USA
Dr Thayne McCulloh
President of Gonzaga University
Spokane, Washington State, USA
Fr Dr Girish Santiago SJ
Jesuit Regional Superior
Yangon, Myanmar
Fr Pedro Walpole SJ
Global Coordinator Eco-Jesuit
Environmentalist, Field Partner
Bendum, Philippines
Fr Philip Geister SJ
President, Newman Institute
Uppsala, Sweden
Dr Cheok Peng Lim
Senior Advisor, Director
Fr Dr Michael Garanzini SJ
AJCU President
Washington, D.C., USA
Fr Dr Antony Uvari SJ
Vice-Chancellor, XIM University
Bhubaneswar, India
Mr Mauricio Lopez
Director, Programa Universitario
Amazónico (PUAM)
Global Leadership Team
Fr Peter Balleis SJ
JWL Executive President
Geneva, Switzerland
Dr Martha Habash
Academic Director, USA
Omaha, USA
Mr Armando Borja
Chief of Operations & Finance & CEO of JWL USA
Washington, D.C., USA
Mr Connor Lewis
Global Finance Director
Geneva, Switzerland
Ms Susanna Ablewhite
Global English Language Programme Director
Geneva, Switzerland
JWL Switzerland
Association Jesuit Worldwide Learning- Higher Education at Margins in Switzerland with board members: Fr Dr Christian Rutishauser SJ, Fr Dr Joseph Maria Christie SJ, Fr Anton Kurmann SJ, Société Fiduciaire d’Expertise et de Révision SA.
Jesuit Worldwide Learning USA, as a 501 c(3) entity organised in the State of Washington in the United States of America has a Board of Directors comprising, Fr. Dr. Michael Garanzini, SJ, Fr. Peter Balleis SJ, Fr. Dr. John Fitzgibbons SJ, Fr. Dr. Daniel Hendrickson SJ, Dr. Dave Lambert, Dr. Susan Malisch, Dr. Thayne McCulloh and Mr. Judd Nicholson.
JWL Germany
Jesuit Worldwide Learning Förderverein e.V. Organised in Munich, Germany with Board Members: Fr Klaus Väthröder SJ, Fr Peter Balleis SJ, Fr Johann Spermann SJ, Ms Katrin Morales, Mr Thomas Kilian, Fr Stefan Hengst SJ
Greater Good Principles
Preserving the safety and dignity of all persons - without discrimination - is of paramount importance and Jesuit Worldwide Learning is committed to upholding the highest ethical standards, doing all that we can to prevent any harm from coming to those whom we serve and those who make the realisation of our mission possible. Review our Greater Good Principles.