Ignatian Spirituality and the Migrants
Article written by Fr Francis P. Xavier SJ published in Thanmaya, an e-magazine of the Jesuits of Kerala Province.

"Ignatius was a restless man to do ever more and ever better. His moving from place to place (Pomplona – Monserrat – Manresa – Jerusalem – Barcelona – Alcala – Paris – Venice – Rome) as a pilgrim and his begging for his needs in Flanders during his studies in Paris have greater impact on him towards the service for the poor and the marginalized. When he was describing the types of Jesuit houses, he indicates road as a home. For the Jesuits road should make them feel at home as they are sent where there is greater need (FI 3). St Ignatius of Loyola writes in his letter to the Jesuits at Paduva (1547): Friendship with the poor makes us friends of the eternal King.Ignatius who has been once on the road seeking for enlightenment, would like his sons to address the needs of those who are on the roads seeking for safety and dignity." Fr Francis