Environmental Education Summit JWL – Munich
From October 12th to the 14th Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) held an educational summit at the Munich School of Philosophy, Germany. The aim of the summit was to structure, design and debate two learning tracks for JWL focusing on the area of environmental education.

From October 12th to the 14th Jesuit Worldwide Learning (JWL) held an educational summit at the Munich School of Philosophy, Germany. The aim of the summit was to structure, design and debate two learning tracks for JWL focusing on the area of environmental education. The summit participants came from Germany, Lithuania, Philippines, Sweden, Switzerland and the U.S.; and included not only academics, but also people experts who work daily on different environmental topics in “the field” and on “the ground”. The first day was devoted to discussing a vocational track for student that will closely be focused on the practical application. On the second day, the diploma track was discussed, which will be more integrated into the academic system of JWL. A key conclusion was the importance of integrating the main themes into the course design – environment and action, as well as the understanding of the cultural and spiritual background of the students. The entire summit was very productive and the results will help us design and create new educational opportunities for our students.